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By ISQua Monday. Jun 26, 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Kaplan's on achieving the PROMs Career Achievement Prize from HAL Featured


At ISQua, we are delighted to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Robert M. Kaplan, the recipient of the prestigious 2023 Health Assessment Lab/Medical Outcomes Trust John Ware and Alvin Tarlov Career Achievement Prize in Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). This distinguished honor recognizes Dr. Kaplan's significant contributions to advancing the field of healthcare measurement and his tireless efforts to improve patient-centered care.


Dr. Kaplan, an esteemed Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, Clinical Excellence Research Center (CERC), and Distinguished Research Professor at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, has dedicated his career to revolutionizing the way we assess healthcare outcomes. Upon receiving the award, Dr. Kaplan expressed his appreciation, stating: "I am honoured and humbled to be the recipient of the "John Ware and Alvin Tarlov Career Achievement Prize in Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs).  "Ware and Tarlov are legends in our field who changed the way medical care is measured, delivered, and evaluated.  John and I have been friends, colleagues, and occasional rivals for nearly 50 years.  The award is particularly valued to me because of the exceptional stature of the previous honourees.”


Dr. Carsten Engel, ISQua’s CEO, also expressed his gratitude for Dr. Kaplan’s contributions to the field of healthcare outcomes. He remarks “On behalf of ISQua, I am extremely proud that the International Conference in Seoul will host the awards ceremony for the 2023 Health Assessment Lab/Medical Outcomes Trust John Ware and Alvin Tarlov Career Achievement Prize in Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). The Prize winner, Dr. Robert M. Kaplan, is well-known to everyone working in the field for his highly significant foundational contributions to the development of PROM instruments, as well as for his inspirational promotion of their use in practice.”


ISQua wholeheartedly congratulates Dr. Kaplan on this remarkable achievement and looks forward to celebrating his invaluable contributions during the awards ceremony in Seoul and welcome him as a key plenary speaker for our conference.


You can find more information on Dr Kaplan’s session here.


Further information on the Health Assessment Lab/Medical Outcomes Trust and their awards can be found here.


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